Best Song Ever for the Best Weekend Ever

This weekend was probably the craziest one I’ve had in a long time. Tolo started everything off on Saturday.

An entire day of preparing started at 9:30am at Alissa’s house. It started with cleaning, then grocery shopping, cooking, hair, nails, makeup, dresses, jewelry, shoes, and finally it was 5:30 and our dates were arriving. Parents came along to take pictures. It was at this time that I discovered my lack of knowledge on how to pin on a boutonnière. But luckily, my date Duncan, was gracious, (and I didn’t stab him with the needle) so we were all happy! Pictures seemed to take forever but finally we ate dinner, and prepared to leave. Duncan opened the car door for me and then we were off! We had the privilege to listen to the beautiful sound of Sam and Alissa bickering the whole way to the high school. Duncan and i enjoyed that more than we should have. But the dance went by quickly and soon we were headed back to Alissa’s for a night of games. After the boys left, us girls stayed up debriefing about the dance and eventually fell asleep around 3am.

Sunday began with waking up with friends before I had to leave for church. Katie and I got coffee before, and the actual service was wonderful. After church I had to practice both instruments quickly before the Seahawks game started. I cheered loudly with my older sister and dad as the Seahawks beat San Francisco!!!! Then just like that I was at Sam’s house for another fun night with friends. It felt like an extension of tolo, considering a lot of the same people were there. We hung out, ate some good food, and played a game called Quelf. This game is insane and slightly embarrassing. But I am proud to say that, with the assistance of my lovely partner Duncan, we won Quelf! That was a big accomplishment! And to end the party, we all squeezed onto the couch and watched part of The Emperors New Groove. For the second night in a row I had a wonderful night.

Today was a little slower paced. I woke up at 9:45, sleeping in more than I have in weeks! Later Vivian and I went to Dutch Bros and sang Best Song Ever to some pedestrians on the ride home. Those middle school boys may be scarred for life. Later I had a saxophone lesson, which Ari attended with me so that she could hang out in Beacocks. On the way home we rocked out to Best Song Ever and stopped at Dutch Bros. Yes, I was privileged enough to get Dutch Bros twice today!

After dropping Ari off, I went home and did homework, talked to my best friend about bridesmaid dresses, read, watched Criminal Minds and am now writing this detailed description of my life this weekend. Why? Because this was a wonderful weekend and I don’t want to forget a moment of it. Every day is a gift. Plus, after having a not-so-great week, that weekend was just what I needed and forgetting it would just be sad. I’m so thankful for the wonderful people I got to spend this weekend with, they make my life better everyday!

So bring it on Tuesday that is pretending to be Monday. Tomorrow will be wonderful, because after the weekend I had, how could it not be?

~Lily Rose

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